Unit conversion in Java

JUGC is a Java library for unit conversions. It allows you to define a set of units and their relationships (a kilogram is a thousand grams, a tonne is a thousand kilograms, etc), translations for those units (gramma is fi_FI for gram), generate a Java library from those units (well, most of the library won't be generated, but the unit definitions will be) and then deploy that library in a project.

So basically you'll go from unit definitions like this:

                    <from>9 5 / * 32 +</from>
                    <to>32 - 9 5 / /</to>

                    <from>459.67 +</from>

to converting units like this:

    ConverterFactory.getConverter("celsius", "rankine").convert(42);

And the translation support is pretty simple, too:


                    <from>1000 /</from>



And then in your code:

    ConverterFactory.getConverter("gramma", "kilogramma", "fi_FI").convert(42);

The conversion expressions are in RPN.

I have yet to make a release and it's not totally finished — it should be possible to ask for the conversions to be done with arbitrary precision math, for instance — but I believe it's pretty usable already.

License: BSD sans advertising clause.

© Juri Pakaste 2024