99 bottles of GOO

Here's a version of 99 bottles written in GOO. I have submitted it.

(df bottles (n)
                (cond ((= n 0) "No more bottles")
                        ((= n 1) "One bottle")
                        (#t (cat (num-to-str n) " bottles")))
        " of beer"))

(df bow (n)
        (cat (bottles n) " on the wall"))

        (fun (n) 
                (post (bow n)) 
                (post "\n") 
                (post (bottles n)) 
                (post "\nTake one down, pass it around\n") 
                (post (bow (1- n))) 
                (post "\n\n")) 
        (range-by 100 >= 1 1-))

Happy easter.

© Juri Pakaste 2024